WordPress Web Design Services

The Content Experts PH offers WordPress website design services that are consistent, high-quality, and cost-effective for professionals, small businesses, and companies. We also work extensively with other agencies (SEO and digital marketing agencies) in the US, Canada, Hongkong, and beyond. Email us today to request more information.


What Is WordPress and Why in the World Do You Need It?

Where Does WordPress Web Design Service Come In?

Why Stick to WordPress as a CMS?

Benefits of WordPress Website Design Services

Set the Stage for a Positive First Impression

Beat Your Competition

Boost Site SEO

Mobile Friendliness

Get Intuitive Layout

Improve Page Loading Time

Better Search Engine Crawls

Develop Better Credibility with Your Customers

If you used the search term “what is WordPress?” on Google, you’ve probably done so after visiting another WordPress website.

That site probably impressed you, and you probably loved how smooth the interface was and how simple pages conveyed the right messages and gave the site the functionality you wanted for so long for your business.

What Is WordPress and Why in the World Do You Need It?

WordPress is a website-building platform that powers nearly half of the web as we know it. This simple statistic shows that WordPress services are trusted by around one-third of all websites. This is a huge chunk of the net. And there are many reasons why many businesses and organizations start with WordPress sites and never leave after years and years of using the same CMS or content management software. 

If you Google “how can you make a WordPress website?” you’ll discover that this platform is regarded as one of the best in terms of being user-friendly. Nearly everything about WordPress is easy to grab. There are plenty of good reasons why WordPress remains number one to this day.

WordPress is an open-source CMS that can be used to power:

  • Personal sites
  • Organizational sites
  • Ecommerce sites
  • Good old blogs
  • App sites
  • Intricate portals
  • Essentially, anything that you’d like to bring to life

WP themes determine the look and feel of the site. Plugins, on the other hand, are critical for creating various types of functionalities. WordPress allows everyone to be a web whiz. Complicated things like calendars, functions for making Zoom meetings, and other essential site tasks are now carried out by neat apps called WordPress plugins. These plugins also handle critical tools for SEO and site maintenance. Essentially, plugins are excellent for everything you need to accomplish online—and they make your site cool and super functional for your clients or customers.

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Where Does WordPress Web Design Service Come In?

A WordPress site designer or WordPress web design service occupies a unique position in the overall scheme. This professional WordPress service focuses on your website’s visual components, usability, and branding. This service is different from hard coding or development, where the professional mainly handles the code and the back-end of the site.

Indeed, the possibilities of a WordPress site are unlimited. However, you will inevitably need the help of a competent WordPress designer to bring all your ideas to life.

Why Stick to WordPress as a CMS?

In the perspective of a WordPress specialist, everything your business site should be is entirely attainable and readily built using WordPress design services.

WordPress web design is essential for creating a high-performing website. Here are the reasons why:

Right now, you already have a fully flexible web platform in the hands of a WordPress design expert. You already have a fantastic tool for constructing nearly any type of web presence. With an exemplary WordPress design service at your beck and call, you can now showcase your site, blog, or eCommerce store the way you want.

There are many WP resources out there, but in the end, you need a professional to bring all of these elements together. They won’t come together for you on their own. A web development professional may or may not be an artist or web designer. There are different kinds of web development professionals, and not all of them have the eye needed for successful web design.

In addition to excellent WordPress SEO plugins, the platform is designed to make site optimization as simple as possible. Building a solid foundation for SEO is as simple as including your keywords in your permalinks, adding metadata to all posts, and optimizing your photos with alt text. The best part is that WordPress plugins and themes provide outstanding user experiences, which Google rewards with better positions in SERPs.

A WordPress web design professional will help your company’s website perform at its best, attracting more visitors and generating more leads. Working with a WordPress website designer, as opposed to hand-coding your site from the start, allows you to reap all of the benefits.

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Benefits of WordPress Website Design Services

Your website is your business’s digital home. But more important, old and new customers rely on your site for information and getting things done. People have a much better experience in physical stores with a good layout. People can find what they need more quickly, and they’re not stressed while shopping.

The same principle applies when people go online to find information, schedule appointments, sign up for services, or order products online.

People want a good customer experience. Professional WordPress design services can give your website this edge against your competitors. We’re not after copying what your competitors are doing. Instead, we want to create a unique front-end that complements the back end while simultaneously improving your brand identity, brand authority, and the CX of your site.

There are other significant advantages of working with WordPress website design services, too:

Set the Stage for a Positive First Impression

The majority of purchasing decisions are based on the buyer’s first impression of what is in front of them. This period lasts roughly two seconds, and it can have either an incredible impact on your digital business or a severe one.

Even though we don’t want to admit it, we tend to make assumptions based on the cover of a book or the clothes a person is wearing. It comes naturally to people. We make judgments on people, places, situations (and yes, websites) based on what we already know (and what we don’t know, too).

Customers’ perceptions of small businesses are often based on outward appearances. Customers judge small companies like people. They’re going to use their yardsticks on your website, and they’re going to assume (subconsciously) that your website is the business, even though it is just a part of your entire operation. They’re going to do this and decide if they want to interact with your business further or not.

Having better WordPress design on your site does not imply that you should overdress your website or present your business in an inconsistent way with what’s genuinely you.

However, good design necessitates that accuracy because your website truly reflects what your business is about. Your business is likely built with love and endeavors to connect with the community.

The only problem is – does your website accomplish these goals for you or not?

This is where the importance of branding comes into play! Branding your business requires a positive and accurate representation of your business. WordPress web designers can help you get there, while WordPress web design packages can help you save on costs.

Money spent on advertising may bring in new customers, but it’s a waste of time and money to do so if they aren’t interested enough to look past your website’s first page. Another competitor is waiting in line for every failed attempt at making a good impression. So why give this competitor a chance? Start investing in affordable WordPress website design to make your website more competitive.

Beat Your Competition

Every campaign to improve rankings, retain old customers or attract new ones begins with a sensible plan that involves looking at what your closest competitors are doing. Are they succeeding? Are they attracting more business? How are they doing it?

Again, the goal is not to copy something wholesale but to care what works and give it your better spin. We can’t just copy an entire approach because that might not align with what your business represents, even if you both occupy the same market or industry vertical.

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Boost Site SEO

It’s important to remember that when you’re trying to improve your website’s performance, you must focus on multiple factors at once. As in both life and digital marketing, we tend to focus on just a few things while overlooking others that could be equally important. While SEO is important, it is not the only thing determining your rankings on SERPs.

WordPress design is just as important as your content. Working with WordPress design services is the only logical path to get your website to that level where the content is beautiful, and the page where it rests is optimized for both human reading and search engine crawling. You will risk losing all your hard-earned organic equity if your website does not have an updated design. SEO and web design are more intertwined than most people think.

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The importance of making your website mobile-friendly should be evident to anyone who has even a passing familiarity with SEO or web design. Unfortunately, you’re already several years behind if you haven’t done this yet. In 2015, Google incorporated mobile-friendliness signals into its search algorithm. In 2017, Google launched a mobile-first indexing feature. Unfortunately, many websites still haven’t caught on to how important mobile-friendliness is to Google, although it’s clear how important it is. It’s been a few years since the number of people searching on desktop computers has decreased, while mobile users have just skyrocketed in numbers. There is a good chance that a large portion of your target audience is also using a mobile phone, as mobile devices now account for more than half of all web traffic. You risk alienating many site visitors if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices.

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Get Intuitive Layout

Content is likely to be a big part of your efforts when it comes to improving your SEO. A website’s design can profoundly affect how your content is perceived, or at least how it is presented. Because of poor web design, visitors may be unable to see the purpose of their visit.

The audience you’ve managed to attract to your site is essentially erased if your pages have content blocks in strange places or have an excessive number of hyperlinks that serve no discernible purpose. Who has any use for information that can’t be accessed? You’ve probably been to a website where the page design made it impossible to read the text. I don’t know for sure, but it could have been a light-colored or dark-colored font on a white background. Those kinds of layouts bring to mind the often-dreadful websites of the mid-to-late-1990s.

Color isn’t always the problem. As well as being challenging to read, the text could also be too large or small or written in an unreadable font.

If your site is simply hard to read, it will quickly drive visitors away. Web designers know how to design websites that make it easy for users to consume your content to maximize your investment. White space, line length, and additional elements, such as images, can impact how visitors view your site.

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Improve Page Loading Time

What’s causing your website to take so long to load? It’s possible that your website’s design is to blame. In technical SEO, one of the most critical elements is website speed, which is a common problem for many sites. People may be skipping over your site because it’s loading slowly, which could be why you’re not doing well in the rankings.

If you want to improve your site’s rank in Google’s results, don’t forget to optimize images, remove unnecessary plugins, enable browser caching, and more.

You may believe that your site performs splendidly, but you don’t know how long people are willing to wait. Remember – if you access your site at least twice a day, your browser likely has a nice, updated cache that pre-loads your site’s assets when you fire off that URL. But what’s the experience when a first-time visitor from anywhere accesses your website?

A two-second page load time is ideal. 50% of visitors will leave if your homepage or any page on your site needs three or more seconds to load. Page speed is a crucial signal for searches that come from mobile devices. People on mobile devices are more likely to leave a site if the browser seems to have stalled.

It’s not just Google who cares about page speed; it’s also important to users. Speed remains one of the many known factors that influence Google’s immediate ranking signals. As a result, you won’t have as many indexed pages as you otherwise would. These pages will be unable to rank at all if this occurs. Therefore, it is essential to use “https” encryption to protect the website’s data.

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Better Search Engine Crawls

Crawling your website is made more accessible by using sitemaps, a valuable tool in web design. If you want Bing or Google to crawl your website efficiently, you need a sitemap. Your sitemap serves as a road map for search engines, showing them all of your content and pages. In addition, sitemaps allow you to tell search engines which pages are most important to your site.

Larger websites and those that are brand new and do not yet have any external links should take extra care to get this part right. Search engines benefit from sitemaps, but they also help users navigate. Sitemaps also include essential metadata about your website’s pages to help them rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPS).

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Develop Better Credibility with Your Customers

Unlike other SEO factors, people’s trust in you and your website can’t be quantified. Despite this, building trust is still an essential part of ranking higher on search engines. In recent years, we’ve become accustomed to seeing websites that have been meticulously designed to provide exceptional user experiences. When we go to a website, we expect to see. We’re looking for something simple to use, easy to navigate, and that provides us with the information we need instantly. In our minds, they appear to be more trustworthy.

Most visitors will have a negative first impression of a website if it appears dated or is too difficult to use. Even if you offer exactly what they’re looking for, your website doesn’t make that clear. Likewise, if your website isn’t up to snuff, it will impression that little effort is being made.

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Are You Ready for a Faster, Better WordPress Site? Let’s push play right now. ▶️ Contact The Content Experts PH today by sending us a message using the contact form.