Ghostwriting Services: Hire a Ghostwriter Today

There are many good reasons to hire ghostwriting services for your next piece of writing, especially books! Ghostwriting services have been around for decades, and The Content Experts PH is part of the global ghostwriting industry, operating out of the Pacific in the Philippines. If you’re ready to go, shoot us an email to get a quote!

Our Ghostwriting Services: Powerful and Cost-Effective

The Philippines is already a top destination for cost-effective content marketing servicing and other types of outsourced content. Our ghostwriting agency also happily opens its doors to previously published and self-publishing authors who need a professional ghostwriter to take care of their writing needs. There are so many books you can ask a ghostwriter to write!

Ghostwriting services define all our other work, including SEO copywriting, professional blogging, eBook writing, social media content, and general SEO-friendly content writing for the web.  

We also happen to be published and self-published authors.

We know how it feels to self-publish works and the struggle to get it out there. We are with you in your self-publishing journey. See some of our self-publishing snapshots here. Are you feeling the burn of writing alone at home? We have some effective tips for self-publishing this year.

All your stories and ideas will be expressed and clarified through our words.

And all our words are yours to keep—forever. No strings attached!

This is our diamond guarantee to all our clients who entrust their voices and ideas to us through our professional ghostwriting services.

The Content Experts P.H. is led by an industry veteran, a published author, speaker, educator, mentor, and modern-day philosopher with fifteen-plus years of experience writing books, SEO copywriting, and content marketing.

Working with professional ghostwriting services gives you access to the following benefits:

  • Ghostwriting services have a firm grasp on commercial viability and can offer unbiased commentary on the topic.
  • A professional ghostwriter can become an integral part of your team and will read all of your work before anybody else. Just think of your ghostwriter as an assistant in the content department.
  • You can bounce ideas off of a ghostwriting agency, and they can offer you input on whether or not they think site visitors will grasp the material.
  • Book writers for hire have the chops to make your thoughts accessible to the masses.
  • Partnering with a ghostwriting agency gives you access to reliable help that you can’t easily find anywhere else. For example, do you know anywhere else where you can ask questions like “can you write 150 pages more?”

Select From Our Professional Ghostwriting Services





Company Reports




Case Studies

Email Copy

Email Newsletters

Conventional Newsletters and Newspapers








Video Scripts

YouTube Scripts

…If you’re interested in hiring a ghostwriter for a long overdue writing project, hey, send us an email!

Working with a Ghostwriter for the First Time?

We at our ghostwriting agency in the Philippines live and breathe the written word and write millions of words yearly. If you don’t believe that we write like crazy, check out our Grammarly statistics at the time of this writing:

A sample of our weekly writing report:

ghostwriting services
Ghostwriting services

Other writing metrics:

ghostwriting services
Ghostwriting services

…And our crazy word count after six months of using a new Grammarly business account:

ghostwriting services
Ghostwriting services

If you saw how much writing we’ve been doing since we began, let’s say it would look ridiculously impossible.

But to a professional ghostwriter, this is a walk in the park—no different from what other professionals do in their work. Doctors save lives, firefighters save lives; ghostwriters make sure that ideas and knowledge live to see the light of day. Knowledge and wisdom need to be reproduced, year after year and era after era.

We have helped our clients reproduce their ideas for a loving reading public to receive and read for over fifteen years. We value our work (especially our ghostwriting services) as much as you love your passions in life.

These are just some of the things that make The Content Experts PH different from other ghostwriting services and ghostwriting agencies.

We take our writing and ghostwriting services seriously and make sure we write daily!

What Exactly is a Ghostwriter?

Ghostwriters are professional writers who write different works for others but take no credit for doing so. Nonfiction books, public speeches, web material, and book proposals are just some of the many works that ghostwriters can pen on behalf of their clients. In contrast, ghostwritten fiction is looked down upon and rarely published in the regular publishing industry.

The author who gets the credit decides what goes into the book and what doesn’t. The “author’s voice” must ultimately be that of the author, not the ghostwriter, because it is their name on the line. Successful ghostwriting requires dedication to the writing process and the maturity to recognize when to yield to the client’s wishes. As ghostwriters, we strive to balance responding to the client’s requirements and ensuring that the written output reads well and is up to known standards.

Ghostwriting a memoir is a classic example of a public figure’s private life being made public. Those in the public eye can range from politicians and corporate leaders to athletes, musicians, and actors. They employ ghostwriters because they either do not have the time to produce a complete book themselves, or they do not trust their writing abilities.

A scribe in the fifth century B.C. composed a document for a king. History is littered with examples of international leaders employing “ghostwriters” to create a more palatable image for their constituents. Even legendary George Washington let Alexander Hamilton write his Farewell Address. In 1921, Christy Walsh, widely regarded as the first sports agent in the United States, created the term while searching for ghostwriters to pen biographies of athletes like Babe Ruth.

He famously said, “Don’t insult the intelligence of the people by stating these men write their material,” He admitted to using ghostwriters.

However, this was a well-guarded publishing industry secret for a long time. Since the advent of electronic publishing, the cost of creating a book or other work has decreased significantly. The proliferation of electronic media, combined with the now-ubiquitous celebrity book, has increased the need for ghostwriters.

Is It Common to Hire a Ghostwriter?

You might be surprised by how standard ghostwriting services are.

It’s natural to have concerns about copyright in a ghostwriting collaboration if you’ve never done one before.

However, we’d like to assure you that in the end, all the copyright and profits that may be had from the writing of the content will be all yours, the client. So don’t worry about legal implications because this is a perfectly legal contract between two consenting parties.

If you’re a reader, chances are you’ve encountered a book or two that wasn’t authored by the person whose name appears on the spine. Unfortunately, not everyone has what it takes to put in the time and effort required to write a book. However, not having the time to write no longer means you can’t have a forthcoming book because if you know how to hire a professional ghostwriter, that problem flies out the window in a second.

In today’s economy, anyone can put their money where their mouth is when pushing out content by hiring a ghostwriter to put pen to paper.

Every situation where a ghostwriter becomes a practical choice is unique.

The final result is always the same—the professional ghostwriter delivers.

A new book, article, speech, or any other required content is created and published to be consumed by the public.

It’s a fair question to ask how copyright works with ghostwriters.

Consider this scenario:

What happens to Person “A” who pays Person “B” to conduct the actual writing?

The buyer of a ghostwritten book retains all rights to the book’s copyright.

Ghostwriting is surprisingly easy to execute when viewed as a transaction rather than an artistic endeavor.

The following is an illustration:

Arthur can’t sleep because he can’t stop thinking about a novel he wants to write.

Too bad he can’t get his book idea out of his head and onto paper; he lacks the time and writing skills to do so.

But the ideas keep swirling in his head, and he feels he needs someone to transform those ideas into the written word.

Arthur, unable to let up, shares his brilliant idea with Patrick, who happens to be a published author. Having more writing skills, Patrick thinks he can take Arthur’s idea and turn it into a great book. He loves the idea and is sure that his current skill level can handle the rigors of the writing project.

Arthur and Patrick discuss the costs of the writing project and agree on a price.

Patrick is compensated for his writing work, and Arthur receives the final result.

As with any other business transaction, an agreement to hire a ghostwriter is purely commercial.

You might be asking why someone would go through the trouble of writing a book if they would hand it out for free without receiving any recognition for their efforts.

There are many scenarios in which the ghostwriter may prefer to stay anonymous.

Writing a fantastic book is only one component of becoming a successful author. For a book to succeed, many things must happen in the realms of sales, marketing, and general business management. In contrast, many authors prefer to negotiate a flat rate for their work upfront.

Professional ghostwriters are focused on the task at hand and are compensated accordingly. They are providing a service; it’s that simple. Gaining popularity as the writer of specific works is not part of the ghostwriter’s radar. If a professional ghostwriter wants to author a book, they will do it in time.

It’s common for professional ghostwriters to thrive under pressure and prefer adhering to a strict schedule. On the other hand, some authors want to remain anonymous even when they publish under their names because they enjoy the challenge of writing for a wide range of readers. Whatever the case may be, know that ghostwriters are passionate about their work and are fairly compensated for their efforts.

The Benefits of Using a Ghostwriter

People hire ghostwriters for different reasons, all of them valid.

Writing Skills

Unfortunately, not everyone possesses the talent or dedication to create the book of their dreams. They might not be able to write at the moment for various reasons, including a lack of time to devote to the activity, linguistic problems, or mental or physical disabilities.

Financial Considerations

Some people use ghostwriters for financial reasons. Paying a one-time fee for a book that can be resold endlessly is a terrific investment if you know what you’re doing in the publishing industry. There’s always a risk that your writing venture won’t pay off, but that’s the case with almost any business.

Collaborations Required Vary

If you hire a ghostwriter, you may give them little more than a general idea of the subject you want to be covered.

However, you can have a thorough plan, story structure, or other information you want to include. Many people use ghostwriters to craft their autobiographies, and this type of working partnership necessitates frequent and open lines of communication.

They Provide Consistent, Professional Writing

Many published authors also use ghostwriters for the initial draft of their books before reading it through and inserting their own stories and insights. A solid contract is a first and most critical step in organizing a ghostwritten book.

Ghostwriters for Hire & Digital Marketing: The Brutal Truth

If you’re a digital marketer engaged in inbound marketing, SEO, or content marketing, this is for you… Read on.

Building a content strategy is crucial to expanding your business’s online and social media reach. While memes help increase reach on social media, there comes a time when your followers will ask: what else do you have? The interaction becomes awkward when they finally check out your Facebook page and website and find… almost nothing. An “About Us” page isn’t exactly convincing. How do you demonstrate expertise? How do you demonstrate that you don’t have an abandoned website?

You generate relevant and valuable content.

Writing and publishing more content is your best option. Many people are researching what it is that you sell online. Your rivals are producing top-notch content.

Are any of these things true? Neither your skill nor your time availability makes you a writer.

However, your competitors will get an advantage over you if you don’t create content. If you aren’t providing what your customers want, you might be handing your leads over to your competitors. Their site is loaded with helpful information that makes customers feel good about choosing to buy from them.

Your website should be the best portal to show potential customers exactly what they’ll be getting. To pique their curiosity, you must facilitate their investigation of what your business offers. Again, you can do this by consistently producing high-quality content.

But here’s a hot, little secret about your competitors…

They aren’t writing all those great posts, either.

99% of the time, successful online businesses constantly use ghostwriting services to constantly produce new, exciting content. You may have considered including regular blogging into your internet marketing strategy. Still, you’ve been hesitating to get started because you feel you lack the knowledge and skills necessary to get it off the ground. If you have trouble writing, hiring a ghostwriter may be your best option.

To be completely transparent, writing just one great blog takes hours of a person’s life.

You can hire an outside writer (or “ghostwriter”) to produce content for your intended audience. We get that you feel like you know best because it’s your business, and you’re the expert. I don’t see how a ghostwriter could perform the same job you do. They needn’t bother. Even if you use a ghostwriter, you can still play a role in the writing process. For best results, it’d probably be best to supply a ghostwriter with ideas for what to write about and maybe even some sources they can use.

And that’s it: your blog will soon have great content.

All you truly have to do is share your broad concepts with a professional ghostwriter. The content need not adhere to any particular standards of grammar or even be written in whole sentences.

They will run with it if you give them a theme and links to relevant blogs. This is just how they operate. First, they’ll probably ask questions if they have them. Then, they will read up on it if they need to to feel comfortable talking about it. That’s their job, after all.

Ghostwriters can make sense of even the most scattered ideas. To have someone take your scattered ideas and weave them into a coherent whole is, at times, nothing short of a miracle.

Although the ghostwriter will put in the most effort to produce the final product, you will own all legal rights to publish the piece online and use it in any other promotional materials you see fit. Simply put, they’ll perform the task, and you’ll get credit for it.

There are many advantages to outsourcing the writing of material that represents you and your business, and while you may be hesitant with the idea, please do check them out:


You are likely an authority on whatever you specialize in (solar installation, roofing, legal services, etc.). Therefore, you put your faith in your knowledge and abilities, and as a result, your output is impeccable.

However, can you say that you have the same level of expertise in professional writing?

Did you realize there is more than one way to convey a message through the written word?

Professional ghostwriters have extensive knowledge and can reliably provide high-quality copy for their clients.

No more worrying about misspelled words, illogical statements, or communications that an expert can only understand.

Rapid Response Time

A ghostwriter is someone who creates written material at the request of another party. They spend their time doing this, so if you hire a good one, you can get the information you need quickly.

Ghostwriters don’t have the same responsibilities as a business owners, such as dealing with customers and supervising staff. So writing a few blog posts of 500 words each or an eBook of similar length should be a breeze for them.

Finally, Be Able to Focus On More Important Things

Hiring a ghostwriter to produce your website’s content frees you to concentrate on what matters in your role. In addition, by outsourcing content creation, you can save yourself many hours that would have been spent brainstorming, researching, and writing. Of course, hiring a ghostwriter will cost you more money, but in the long run, you’ll save time and money because of the content they produce.

The SEO Advantage

SEO is a primary concern while writing blog posts. You can use SEO methods to make your online material more discoverable in the vast sea of blogs, websites, and Wikipedia articles.

To improve your website’s visibility in search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing, SEO takes advantage of search engine tendencies, keyword statistics, and search engine indexing criteria. At The Content Experts P.H., we have total mastery of content SEO and on-page content optimizations. You don’t even have to ask anymore.

Hiring a ghostwriter could answer your book writing, blogging, and other content production issues.

Talk to a specialist at The Content Experts P.H. to learn more about our ghostwriting services.

You need to rediscover the joy in your work and return your attention to what matters to you. Email us or fill the contact form below to reach us today.