eBook Writing Services

The Content Experts PH offers premium eBook writing services, complete with book design services. We have extensive experience in helping authors self-publish their works.

We offer flexible packages for business owners and professionals who wish to publish works under their name. We can assist in both publication-only projects and ghostwriting projects plus publication.

Please reach out today for more information; we would be glad to help you.

What are eBooks?

eBooks are simply books in digital format. They are designed for mobile reading and can be digitally published in various file formats, from the standard PDF file to e-ink files that work on Amazon Kindle devices, Fire tablets, Android readers, and more. Professionals or business owners who wish to present themselves as industry figures or thought leaders should have at least one book under their name. Digitally published books are the norm, though it wouldn’t hurt if you envisioned yourself self-publishing a title physically. You also have the option of hiring ghostwriting services if you don’t have the time or skills to write the eBook personally. Businesses also use eBook as lead magnets to obtain contact information of their customers through location pages and landing pages.

How to Write an eBook?

The Content Experts PH often works with individuals who don’t have time to write their books. We can assist you as ghostwriters. Our ghostwriting services cover multiple markets and genres, from thought leadership in business to memoirs. And while we are not a literary agency (yet), we can help bring a new book to life in no time flat. For example, suppose you have a website with blogs, and you are interested in turning your existing content into a readable book. In that case, we offer editing services, layout services, book design, and book cover design services. We can provide an all-in-one solution where you only must wait for the finished product, ready for whatever purpose you have in mind. Your privacy is our priority, and any ghostwriting projects will be held in strict confidence. We value your peace of mind as a professional or business owner.

Do We Hear White Label eBook Writing Services?

Do you represent a publishing company, digital marketing agency, or anything else in between? Do you find yourself falling behind on your content writing commitments, including eBook production? Well, we don’t know how that feels because we’re never behind our work.

But yes, it is possible to offset that backlog by outsourcing to us. Simply contact our team captain, and let’s talk about how we can get some of those burdens off your writer or writing team. Our white-label eBook writing services and publication services are guaranteed to please. We have published several physical books over the years, and we live and breathe books in digital format and physical print.

Do We Hear Branded Magazines and Marketing Collateral?

Businesses can improve recall and increase sales by offering a free subscription to a branded magazine. Think about it – your business’ name and logo are on the front page, and the magazine contains excellent content related to your market or industry vertical. We can make that happen.

We have the right professionals on board who care about quality content and driving results with pure good work. We can also help you with super creative marketing collateral like infographics and digital magazines that your subscribers or customers can access via popular reading apps and services.

How Can You Use eBooks for Digital Marketing?

Creating great content is one of the best ways to reach out to prospects and generate leads. Content can come in various forms, from YouTube videos to blog posts. One unique strength of eBooks is that they’re downloadable. So instead of feeling like yet another blog post or video, a downloadable eBook feels far more like a real object of value.

This means you can use eBooks as lead generation tools, offering your users the chance to opt-in with their contact information in exchange for your information. Writing an eBook also gives you the ability to showcase your authority on a subject in a more significant level of depth than a blog post allows.

EBooks’ popularity and perceived value have made them favorite online marketers. Digital marketing expert Neil Patel lists eBooks second on his list of ways to create lead-generating content behind data-driven case studies.

It’s safe to say that eBooks – for the immediate future, at least – should play an integral role in your content marketing strategy. Below, we’ll share three ways to use eBooks to earn more traffic, generate more leads and drive more revenue for your business.

Use Your eBook To Strengthen Your Brand

In today’s commercial battlefield, brand trust and authority are everything. Studies suggest that 63% of customers would buy from an authentic brand. That’s a difficult statistic to ignore.

One of the best ways to show people how trustworthy you are is by creating an eBook on a subject they care about and answering their questions or concerns creatively, engaging way.

When brainstorming for your eBook, consult your buyer personas to examine your customers’ wants, needs, and desires.

Can’t think of a subject for your eBook? One great way to discover eBook opportunities is to use Buzzsumo to search for topics your competitors haven’t yet written about.

There are two areas you should focus on when creating your first eBook:


Make sure each chapter you produce provides a unique takeaway and concludes with a concise call to action. Emails with a single call-to-action increase clicks by up to 3.71%, highlighting the need for a strong copy that engages your users.


A consistent brand style guide will give all your publications a more professional, branded look which translates into credibility.

Use An eBook As The Heart Of Your Marketing Campaign

With Google switching to mobile-first indexing, there’s still tremendous value in short and medium-form blog posts. However, users tend to opt for longer-form content over shorter, more straightforward blog posts when it comes to complex topics. Experts agree that 1500 to 3000+ word blog posts drive more traffic and, as a result, more conversions. It seems that today’s users prefer content that’s more detailed and packed with value.

Creating an eBook that’s built around the theme of your marketing campaign lets you showcase your authority on the subject, all while giving you a vast resource from which you can extract and repurpose content.

By taking the best and most relevant chapters of your eBook and using the existing content to produce blog posts, promotional emails, infographics, videos, and podcasts, you stand to drive engagement, generate leads and create conversions without extra effort.

You’ll want to tweak and tailor the content to fit the medium on which you’re promoting it, but this will take considerably less time than creating fresh content for your campaign. Not only does repurposing content from your eBook let you enjoy optimal ROI from your hard work, but you’ll also be able to cross-promote the eBook in the process, expanding your reach and building valuable brand awareness.

Use An eBook To Build Your List

A targeted email list can help you communicate with your audience effectively but growing your list can be challenging.

Due to the perceived value of an eBook, potential customers are more likely to give up their contact details in return for the information you have to offer.

A recent study shows that email marketing produces the best ROI of any marketing channel, so building a healthy list is an excellent gateway to gaining more conversions.

Once you’ve created your eBook, you can build an SEO-optimized landing page on your website with a call to action to sign up in return for your free eBook.

Once your landing page has been published, you can also take to social media to promote your eBook and encourage your target audience to opt-in. This is because 92% of consumers trust the recommendations of their peers over regular online ads. Promoting your eBook via social media makes it far easier to build the social proof that creates trust and inspires people to opt-in and receive your content.

With a combination of social media marketing informational blog posts through content repurposing and landing page optimization, your eBook can grow into a powerful lead generation tool.

Modern web users want a human brand that they can trust and connect with them on a personal level. So if you’re looking to improve your content marketing efforts this year, build brand awareness and drive more conversions than ever before, creating an eBook and using it as an integral part of your content marketing campaign is a great strategy.

Are you ready to start your eBook or publishing project? Shoot us an email today, and we will take care of the rest. You can also fill up the form below to get in touch.